Saturday, July 4, 2009

Angel Fire

In the beautiful mountains of northern New Mexico is memorial built by a father as a result of the loss of his son in Vietnam. However, this memorial is not just about his son, it stands as tribute to every American that has given their life for their country and the cause of Freedom throughout the world.

From this lofty sight, it overlooks a peaceful valley.

Many a young soldier has known the feeling of their heart wanting to write a letter to home, but the inner being struggles with what to say.

All that made the ultimate sacrifice, all the have served, all that are serving, deserve our deepest respect and sincerest appreciation.

The Rim

We are all familiar with the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words." In the case of the Grand Canyon, there is only one word, "WOW!!!"
Enjoy the pictures, and occasionally close your eyes and you just may sense the immense stillness of the vast openess, or perhaps detect the fresh scent of pine.

The Valley

Hwy 163 entering Monument Valley

Breath taking formations.

The Valley.

John Wayne will come riding along any moment.

A special moment shared with special friends.
I know I put that darn camera in here somewhere...

Mexican Hat

On Monday, June 22nd, we left Cortez, CO and made our way out of Colorado and on toward Mexican Hat, UT. Again another day filled with incredible sights.

The rock formations varied in type, color and shapes.

The beauty along this route was unanticipated. But very well worth it.

At a gas stop in Mexican Hat, we came across this group of H.O.G. members from West Germany. They too were taking in the great sights of America's southwest.

And of course this segment would be remiss without a picture of the signature rock formation, the Mexican Hat itself.

Mesa Verde

Leaving Durango we made our way on toward Cortez, CO. One of the great sights along the way included a ride into Mesa Verde National Park.

The 15 mile ride into the Visitor's Center was punctuated by an awesome ride up steep grades, sharp curves and switchbacks, all affording spectacular views around every corner.

All capped off by the stunning sight of the ancient Indian Cliff Dwellings.
As the sun set on this day's travels, it was abundantly evident that we were on "The Ride".
Interstingly enough, one of our newer cotravelers remarked that evening they realized that this trip was "Not about the Destination, it was all about the Ride!" As our folks were sitting around the motel that evening, the real joy of the ride was evident by the smiles on everyone's faces and the excited sharing of the day's encounters.

Mountain Time

Sunday brought us clear weather, bright skies and great views of the mountains in the near distance. Anxiously, we packed up and set out anticipating to kind of ride we had all envisioned when we left St. Charles. Our expectations were exceeded. Again, people assembled into smaller informal groups with various agendas and set out to explore the Colorado Rockies.

For the most part the groups journied along U.S. 160 across Colorado making their way over Wolf Creek Pass, down into Pagosa Springs and on into Durango.

The Durango H-D dealership was open and we started arriving around 2:30 p.m. over the next hour nearly everyone from St. Charles managed to stop in and we had a great visit there. We were greeted by the Chapter Assistant Director were made to feel very welcome. While there our folks signed another St. Charles Chapter t-shirt and gave it to the Durango Chapter. Again a massive run on t-shirts occurred and many of us were trying to figure out how to stuff one more purchase into our saddlebags.

The Big Dread

Saturday morning brought the reality of what most riders appreciate the least. RAIN! And lots of it. Not intending an over play on words, but that really dampened many plans for taking in the town of Dodge. There were a varety of strategies being employed for moving on. Some electing to make early starts to try to get away from the rain, others trying to wait it out and see if it might improve. And combinations of each of the above. Unfortunately, rain was all across the rest of Kansas and on into Colorado.

Several did manage to get in a visit to Dodge City H-D where of course a run on t-shirts occured. One bike was in need of minor electrical repair, another added some highway pegs. The last of the group made a much later than anticipated departure from Dodge, but the rain was still coming down. The dubious leader of the last group was attempting to leave town via a road that would avoid the contruction going on in town on the main road. However, after a short distance out into the country, it was discovered that the road was closed. Unfortunately it was a narrow two lane local road and while turning around was not an issue for the motorcycles, it did present a serious challenge for the motorcoach and trailer. However the experienced skills of the driver prevailed and was able to get back onto the original route.

With stops to fill gas tanks, take a break from riding in the rain, drying off googles, etc. We were all able to make it onto Trinidad, CO. The last group was fortunate to have the weather improve and were able to enjoy taking in the wide open spaces along the Sante Fe Trail.

Saddle Up

While the advertised start date for "Run to the Rim" was June 19th, many anxious souls departed on Thursday the 18th, electing to make shorter rides of the trip to Dodge City and take in some additional stops and sights along the way. As for the rest, approximately 24 people on 14 bikes met at St. Charles Harley-Davidson on the morning of Friday the 19th. A few brief instructions and we were on the road, including Alan and Mary Lou providing support assistance with the motorcoach and trailer.

We made our way accross Missouri on I-70 and was in Olathe, KS by 11:30 a.m. There we were greeted at the H-D dealership by the local H.O.G. Chapter who had so graciously put together a cookout for us.

To show our appreciation, we signed a St. Charles Chapter t-shirt and gave it to the Olathe Chapter. Also compliments of St. Charles H-D, we gave them t-shirts from our dealership to be distributed as they deem appropriate. Some of the ones that had departed St. Charles on Thursday now had joined us at Olathe.

Tummies and gas tanks filled and bladders emptied, we were back on the road again. Continued on the Interstate to Emporia then switched to U.S. 50 for the rest of the ride to Dodge City. Once on 50, the traffice issues were much lighter and the ride more relaxed. It did make for bit of a long afternoon, but we all safely arrived and were ready to relax. The biggest challenge turned out to be with the motel. It seems that they had sold out some of the reserved rooms for about 6 or 8 of our group. I think most of us would concur that avoiding Travelodge in the future would be a good idea. Especially the one in Dodge City. All that aside nearly the entire St. Charles group were now in Dodge and were getting ready for the rest of the run.