Monday, May 12, 2008

Kickstand Up

The serious part of the riding season is about to start. At my son's encouragement, this year I will be journaling our adventures of traveling on the Harley via this blog. "Bagger On The Go", you ask? Bagger is an old bikers term describing a motorcycle that is equipped with saddlebags, most commonly used for the purpose of traveling. That is what we are into, loading up the ole Harley, stuffing the saddlebags and exploring the country.

The progress of my recent knee replacement surgery has been very good, and now I am able to ride the bike for extended periods of travel comfortably. We have done some local riding just to make sure that the leg and all else are in good working order. "Two up", is another biker phrase describing two people traveling on the bike. That is how we travel, Barb and I together, on the bike, loaded down, cruising down the roads and back roads of the countryside.

Our first serious trip of the year will take off next Wednesday, May 21st, for Washington DC. We will be participating in part with an organized event called "Run for the Wall". The objective being traveling across the US by bike to visit the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington for the Memorial holiday. We will not make the entire cross country journey, instead leaving from St. Charles, MO and joining them along the way. Going with us this year from the local HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter will be 22 others on 17 bikes.

We are looking forward to a memorable and reverent ride to Washington and participation in the Rolling Thunder parade at the Nations Capitol. More to come later.


Andy A said...

off to a great start, Dad. The blog looks and sounds great, and it will be nice to keep up with you this way.

Here's a fun fact, about 90% of my current blog, photos and all, were entered while on the go from my smartphone. I pretty much only use the laptop after the fact for editing. You might want to look into it, especially if you have phone upgrades you've not yet used. I can let you know more if interested.

P.S. you may want to go into your "Comments" settings and enable anyone to post.


icerider said...

Very cool Roger, looking forward to checking your blog out once in a while to see what "el presidente" is up to.

whitekar said...

THANKS for the blog, wish I was going to. Take care and rubber side down.

Unknown said...

I'm anxious to meet up with you on the journey. This is a great blog. Been thinking about taking my laptop with me. Small but when on 2 wheels, space is a precious commodity. I pray everyone returns home healthy, happy and gratified at what we've accomplished. Backsides may be a bit worn, however that's to be expected.