Thursday, May 22, 2008

On the Road

Wednesday morning found us gathering at IHOP the minute they opened (5:30 a.m.). The bikes already fueled and ready, all we needed was some filling of the bellies and be on our way. We left St. Charles with 14 bikes and 19 people all eager for the journey. Later along the way we gained 2 more bikes and 3 more people. Mother nature was very kind and provided perfect weather with clear skies and just cool enough temperature to need a good jacket. We made our way through St. Louis as it was beginning to bustle and start another busy frantic day. Shortly we were rolling through the open country of Illinois, taking in the beauty of the farmland along the way. A glance in the mirror confirmed the presence of 13 other Harleys, running in formation, announcing their presence with that unmistakable rumble of the pipes.

Following I-64, we made our way into Indiana, stopped for a quick lunch in the historic town of Corydon, topped off those fuel tanks again and on into Kentucky. We made our first stop there at Frankfort to visit the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial. One of the most truly unique memorials anywhere. As you make your way up the winding road all you can see in the distance is the arm of a giant sundial in its very characteristic angle reaching skyward. Once at the sight, one notices that the floor of the sundial is made up of large granite blocks, several with names of Kentuckians that were killed in Vietnam engraved in them and arranged by year and month. Each of the blocks is laid out such that with the passing of the sun across the sky and the corresponding movement of the arm's shadow across the floor, the tip of the shadow will point to the name of the person on the anniversary of their death. The amazing impression of this memorial is that no matter what, the sun and the earth together never forgets those that are represented there. No matter the brevity of their lives, the timelessness of the universe never takes a day off from visiting them.

Following that impressive visit, we topped off tanks, emptied bladders and again took our chorus of thundering scooters back out onto the Interstate and made our way into Hurricane, West Virginia. A motel room, some good food, a hot shower and a night's sleep, and we are ready to join the Central Route group of Run for the Wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad,

Glad to see you finally posted. I called Lisa last night during traditional family dinner time and we were surprised we hadn't heard from you yet.

Keep up the good work on the blog. I hope the writing helps your processing of all the things you see. I apprecite the "live" insight into the trip.

Of course, the aesthete in me loves the idea of sundial memorial. Thanks for posting the great picture.

How is Mom enjoying the ride? Maybe she could be "guest" post-er at some point?

All is well here. Plans are coming together for the weekend--hosting a small dinner at the new apartment on Saturday (of course I'm excited about that), and meeting new friends (a colleague through work and her husband) for something in the city this weekend.

Be careful! Much love from the shores of Lake Michigan!